woman doing yoga

Align & Breathe

Are you ready to unlock your full potential, break free from limiting beliefs, and embark on a transformative journey towards a more fulfilling life? At Align & Breathe, we're here to guide you through a personalized experience of growth, empowerment, and self-discovery.

My sessions offer transformative solutions to common personal challenges. In a world marked by stress, self-doubt, and stagnation, life coaching empowers individuals to conquer obstacles, clarify goals, manage stressors, and foster healthier relationships and careers. Meanwhile, breathwork techniques provide a path to relief from stress and anxiety, emotional healing, increased energy, improved sleep, and emotional balance. By addressing these challenges through comprehensive and holistic approaches, life coaching and breathwork guide individuals towards a journey of self-discovery, personal growth, and overall well-being.

Breathwork & Life Coaching With Crystal

Crystal Kosa

Life Coaching Benefits

  • Clarity and Direction: Life coaching provides the invaluable benefit of helping individuals gain clarity about their goals, values, and life's purpose, guiding them towards a meaningful direction.

  • Personal Growth: By identifying and challenging limiting beliefs and self-doubts, life coaching fuels personal growth and empowers individuals to overcome obstacles, fostering success and self-improvement.

  • Career Advancement: Coaches offer guidance and strategies to navigate career transitions, break through stagnation, and set achievable goals, resulting in professional growth and enhanced work satisfaction.

Breathwork Benefits

  • Stress Reduction: Breathwork techniques activate the body's relaxation response, effectively reducing stress and anxiety levels, promoting a calmer and more balanced state of mind.

  • Emotional Healing: Breathwork facilitates the release of repressed emotions and trauma, allowing individuals to engage in emotional healing and gain a greater sense of inner peace.

  • Vitality and Wellness: Individuals feeling drained or lacking energy benefit from breathwork's ability to rejuvenate the body, increase energy levels, and support overall physical well-being.

Combined Holistic Benefits

  • Improved Well-Being: Together, life coaching and breathwork contribute to improved overall well-being by addressing emotional, mental, and physical aspects, leading to a balanced and harmonious life.

  • Enhanced Relationships: Life coaching fosters effective communication, conflict resolution, and the building of healthy connections, while breathwork's emotional balance promotes harmonious interactions.

  • Self-Confidence and Empowerment: Breathwork's positive mindset and release of self-doubt combine with life coaching's support, resulting in increased self-esteem and self-confidence for empowered decision-making.

I follow Jay Shetty's Coaching Framework, which is based on Positive Psychology, Emotional Intelligence and Motivational Interviewing. Using thought-provoking questions, tools, active listening, and insightful feedback, you will gain clarity in identifying and understanding any limiting beliefs or patterns that are holding you back. By gaining this self-awareness, you'll be able to build better habits and strategies to make changes and achieve your desired outcomes.

Coaching Approach - Jay Shetty

Jay Shetty

Client Success Stories

"Helped me uncover what was holding me back and make the shift needed to change my mindset"

Christine - Denver, CO

Having Crystal as my life coach has been one of the best decisions I've ever made. I’d just moved to a new city, lacking confidence in starting over and feeling a lot of mom guilt on this new adventure. All of which had left me feeling stuck with no energy to build new relationships or venture out at all. Crystal’s supportive and insightful approach encouraged me to embrace my goals, find my strength and be resourceful again. She helped me uncover what was holding me back and assisted with a few mindset shifts which created so many positive changes in just a few sessions. With her guidance, I am happier and feel more confident about myself again.

"Broadened my thinking & helped me navigate to a better path"

Bree - Edmonton, AB

Working with Crystal has helped me a lot over these last few months. I was feeling lost and stuck with where I was in my life, and she really helped me navigate some issues and I feel like I’m on a better path now. I had a very rigid way of thinking, and she helped me broaden that in a way that I couldn’t do on my own at the time. I’m grateful for the support she provided while working with me.

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey toward personal growth and
Connect with Crystal on a Life Coaching Discovery Call and take the first step towards unlocking your full potential.Navigate aspirations, challenges, and goals in a supportive space. Gain clarity, motivation, and strategies to overcome obstacles.This call is tailored to you so you can explore the transformative power of life coaching and discover the incredible potential within you. – schedule your call now

Get Started

Discovery Call

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Circular Breathing or Conscious Connected Breathwork?

  • Answer: Conscious Connected Breathwork (CCB) is a specific breathwork technique that involves continuous, circular breathing without pauses between the inhale and exhale. It is also known by various names, such as "Circular Breathing" or "Connected Breathing". In CCB, the breath is intentionally controlled and maintained throughout the session, keeping a consistent flow of breath without any breaks or retention.

What does Circular Breathing do?

  • Answer: The continuous and connected nature of the breath is believed to have several effects on the body and mind. It can help release physical and emotional tension, promote relaxation, and bring about altered states of consciousness. Practitioners often report feeling a deep sense of presence, emotional release and expanded awareness during and after the session.

What are the benefits of breathwork?

  • Answer: Breathwork has numerous potential benefits, including stress reduction, increased relaxation, improved focus and concentration, enhanced emotional regulation, better sleep quality, strengthened respiratory function, and overall improved mental and physical health.

Is breathwork safe? Are there any potential risks?

  • Answer: Breathwork is generally safe for most people when practiced correctly. However, some techniques like holotropic breathwork may induce intense emotional or physical responses. Pregnant individuals and people with specific health conditions should exercise caution and consult a healthcare professional.

Can breathwork help with stress and anxiety?

  • Answer: Yes, breathwork is effective in reducing stress and anxiety. Focused and controlled breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system, triggering the relaxation response, and calming the mind and body.

©2023 All rights reserved Align & Breath. [Privacy Policy]

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Full FAQ List

  1. What is Circular Breathing or Conscious Connected Breathwork? Answer: Conscious Connected Breathwork (CCB) is a specific breathwork technique that involves continuous, circular breathing without pauses between the inhale and exhale. It is also known by various names, such as "Circular Breathing" or "Connected Breathing." In CCB, the breath is intentionally controlled and maintained throughout the session, keeping a consistent flow of breath without any breaks or retention.

  2. What does Circular Breathing do? Answer: The continuous and connected nature of the breath is believed to have several effects on the body and mind. It can help release physical and emotional tension, promote relaxation, and bring about altered states of consciousness. Practitioners often report feeling a deep sense of presence, emotional release, and expanded awareness during and after the session.

  3. What are the benefits of breathwork? Answer: Breathwork has numerous potential benefits, including stress reduction, increased relaxation, improved focus and concentration, enhanced emotional regulation, better sleep quality, strengthened respiratory function, and overall improved mental and physical health.

  4. How does breathwork differ from regular breathing? Answer: Regular breathing is an unconscious, involuntary process that sustains life. Breathwork, on the other hand, is a deliberate and conscious practice that involves actively changing the breath's rhythm, depth, and patterns to achieve specific outcomes, such as relaxation or heightened awareness.

  5. Is breathwork a form of meditation? Answer: Breathwork can be considered a form of meditation, as it often involves focusing the mind on the breath and being present in the moment. However, some breathwork techniques may also have distinct intentions, such as energizing the body or releasing emotional blockages.

  6. Can anyone do breathwork, or are there limitations? Answer: In general, breathwork is safe and suitable for most people. However, individuals with certain medical conditions, such as cardiovascular issues or respiratory disorders, should consult a healthcare professional before starting a breathwork practice.

  7. What are the different types of breathwork techniques? Answer: There are several types of breathwork techniques, including but not limited to, deep diaphragmatic breathing, circular breathing, holotropic breathwork, rebirthing breathwork, and the Wim Hof Method. Each technique has its unique approach and intended benefits.

  8. Is breathwork safe? Are there any potential risks? Answer: Breathwork is generally safe for most people when practiced correctly. However, some breathwork techniques, like holotropic breathwork, may induce intense emotional or physical responses. Pregnant individuals and people with specific health conditions should exercise caution and consult a healthcare professional.

  9. Can breathwork help with stress and anxiety? Answer: Yes, breathwork is effective in reducing stress and anxiety. Focused and controlled breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system, triggering the relaxation response, and calming the mind and body.

  10. Can breathwork improve my focus and concentration? Answer: Yes, breathwork techniques that emphasize mindful awareness of the breath can enhance focus, concentration, and present-moment awareness. By directing attention to the breath, distractions are minimized, and mental clarity can be achieved.

  11. How often should I practice breathwork to experience its benefits? Answer: The frequency of breathwork practice varies from person to person. For daily maintenance of well-being, a few minutes of breathwork each day can be beneficial. However, for specific therapeutic purposes, more frequent sessions might be recommended.

  12. Can breathwork help with physical health issues? Answer: Breathwork can complement traditional medical approaches and may help with certain physical health issues like reducing blood pressure, improving lung capacity, and supporting the immune system. However, it should not be used as a substitute for medical treatment.

  13. Can breathwork be used as a complementary therapy for certain medical conditions? Answer: Yes, breathwork can be used as a complementary therapy for various medical conditions, including anxiety disorders, chronic pain, respiratory issues, and certain stress-related conditions. It is essential to consult with a healthcare professional before using breathwork as part of a treatment plan.

  14. What should I expect during a breathwork session? Answer: During a breathwork session, you can expect to be guided through specific breathing techniques by an instructor or follow a pre-recorded session. The experience may vary depending on the technique used, but it often involves altered states of consciousness, deep relaxation, or emotional release.

  15. Can breathwork be done alone, or do I need a facilitator or instructor? Answer: While some breathwork exercises can be done alone, it is often recommended, especially for beginners, to have a facilitator or instructor to guide the practice safely and offer support if any emotional or physical challenges arise.

  16. How long does a typical breathwork session last? Answer: The duration of a breathwork session can vary depending on the technique and individual preferences. Sessions may range from a few minutes to an hour or more.

  17. Is there any scientific evidence supporting the effectiveness of breathwork? Answer: There is a growing body of scientific research supporting the positive effects of breathwork on various aspects of physical and mental health. However, more research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms and benefits of different breathwork techniques.

  18. Are there any contraindications for breathwork? Answer: Yes, there are some contraindications for breathwork, particularly for individuals with certain medical conditions, such as epilepsy, high blood pressure, cardiovascular issues, and pregnancy. It is not recommended for people on heavy medication, severe psychiatric symptoms, particularly psychosis or paranoia. Always consult a healthcare professional before starting breathwork, especially if you have any health concerns.

  19. Can breathwork help with emotional healing and processing? Answer: Yes, breathwork can be a powerful tool for emotional healing and processing. Some techniques encourage the release of repressed emotions and trauma, allowing individuals to gain insights and find resolution.

  20. How does breathwork affect the nervous system and stress response? Answer: Certain breathwork techniques, like slow, deep breathing, activate the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting relaxation and reducing the body's stress response. This can lead to decreased heart rate, lowered blood pressure, and a sense of calm.

  21. Can breathwork improve sleep quality? Answer: Yes, breathwork can improve sleep quality by promoting relaxation and reducing anxiety. Practicing breathwork before bedtime can help calm the mind and prepare the body for restful sleep.

  22. Can breathwork be combined with other wellness practices, such as yoga or mindfulness? Answer: Yes, breathwork can be combined with other wellness practices, such as yoga, mindfulness, meditation, and physical exercise. It complements these practices by enhancing their effects and deepening the mind-body connection.

  23. What are some tips for maintaining a regular breathwork practice? Answer: To maintain a regular breathwork practice, set aside specific times for practice each day or week. Consistency is key, so start with shorter sessions if necessary and gradually increase the duration. Joining a breathwork community or finding an accountability partner can also help you stay motivated.

  24. Can children and older adults benefit from breathwork too? Answer: Yes, breathwork can be beneficial for people of all ages, including children and older adults. However, certain techniques may need to be adapted for specific age groups and health conditions. It is essential to choose appropriate breathwork exercises based on individual needs and capabilities.

Remember that the effectiveness of breathwork may vary from person to person, so it's essential to explore different techniques and approaches to find what works best for you.

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is critical to us. Likewise, we have built up this Policy with the end goal you should see how we gather, utilize, impart and reveal and make utilization of individual data. The following blueprints our privacy policy.

  • Before or at the time of collecting personal information, we will identify the purposes for which information is being collected.

  • We will gather and utilization of individual data singularly with the target of satisfying those reasons indicated by us and for other good purposes, unless we get the assent of the individual concerned or as required by law.

  • We will just hold individual data the length of essential for the satisfaction of those reasons.

  • We will gather individual data by legal and reasonable means and, where fitting, with the information or assent of the individual concerned.

  • Personal information ought to be important to the reasons for which it is to be utilized, and, to the degree essential for those reasons, ought to be exact, finished, and updated.

  • We will protect individual data by security shields against misfortune or burglary, and also unapproved access, divulgence, duplicating, use or alteration.

  • We will promptly provide customers with access to our policies and procedures for the administration of individual data.

We are focused on leading our business as per these standards with a specific end goal to guarantee that the privacy of individual data is secure and maintained.

Pricing - Coaching

  • One Hour Session $125

  • 3 x One Hour Sessions $360

  • 6 x One Hour Sessions $690

Group Coaching Session

Pricing - Breathwork

  • Group Session - Outside Studio & Online: $29+

  • Private Session: $109

  • Partner Session (2): $229

  • Group Session (3+): 259+

  • Yoga: $19 Per Class or $100 For 6 Classes

Yoga Class

Breathwork - What to Expect

• Try not to eat or drink a lot within the hour or two prior to your session.
• Empty your bladder as you will not be able to go pee during your session.
• Dress in comfortable layers as your temperature and the room temperature may change throughout your session.
• Try to take some Electrolytes prior to session.
• Drink lots of water and/or Electrolytes.
• Take an Epsom salt bath, try a float tank, meditate when you get home
• Be grateful for the time and space you just gave to yourself.
• Share your experience with others — it can be beneficial for your healing to continue to be in conversation with your family, friends, and other supporters.
• Continue to allow your emotions to arise - Journaling can be beneficial.
• Book your next session.
• Remember that the effectiveness of breathwork may vary from person to person, so it's essential to explore different techniques and approaches to find what works best for you.
• Yoga mat (optional)
• Warm blanket/socks
• Bolster/pillow for knees
• Water/Electrolytes
• Lip balm (lips may get dry)
• Eye mask/pillow (optional)
• Deep healing of wounds, grief, and traumas,
• Increased energy and boosts immune system,
• Released toxins from the body,
• Strengthens your lungs,
• Allows undigested emotions and memories to be released,
• Experience massive stress relief and deep relaxation,
• Released trauma and fear,
• Increased emotional Balance,
• Relief from physical pain,
• Increased connection to a source,
• Overwhelming feelings of joy,
• Deep inner peace,
• Increased self-confidence,
• Improved sleep (but don’t do before bed)
• Helps digestion.
Breathwork can result an intense physical emotional release. It is not recommended for people with a history of cardiovascular disease, including angina, or heart attack, high blood pressure, glaucoma, retinal detachment, or any significant recent physical injuries or surgery.
Breathwork is not advised for persons with severe mental illness or seizure disorders or for persons using major medications. It is also unsuitable for anyone with a personal or family history of aneurysms. Pregnant women are advised against practicing Breathwork without first consulting and getting approval from their primary care physician. Persons with asthma should bring their inhaler and consult with their primary care physician and the Breathwork class facilitator.

Online Or Public Sessions

  • A public group session can be held at an outside studio/location and is open to the public. These sessions are 1 hour in length. You are required to bring your own yoga mat and blanket and there must be a minimum of 10 people. For more information on when and where these sessions take place, please email alignandbreathebycrystal@gmail.com

  • Online bookings are held on most Sunday's at 11:00 am MST and can be booked at www.calendly.com/alignandbreathebycrystal

Private | Partner | Group Session

  • Individual Session: A private, individual session with you and Crystal is located in our studio space or online. The session can last 1 to 1.5 hours in length and can also be tailored to your personal needs much more than a group session would be. Private sessions are great for people that want to try breathwork but are feeling unsure or experiencing some anxiety about what may happen during the session. They are also great for someone that prefers a private setting vs. group setting. If you would like to book a breathwork session in our studio, email alignandbreathbycrystal@gmail.com

  • Partner Session: A partner session is great for any two people seeking to create a deeper love and compassion connection with each other. This session is beneficial for intimate partners or relationships and can also support your relationship with friends, family or even co-workers. This partner session is located in our studio space or online by Zoom. The session can be up to 2 hours in length and usually begins with some transformational work followed by a 1-hour Breathwork session.

  • Group Session: A private group session is great for people who want to experience Breathwork together in an intimate setting. This can be done at your location and can be tailored specifically to the group's needs. Group sessions are usually 1-1.5 hours in length and are great for creating connection within a group of people; be it family, friends, or staff! Email alignandbreathebycrystal@gmail.com to book.


  • Small, intimate classes of 1-3. This is for people who don't want to go to large studio, or if you're new to yoga and want to learn the basics before you go to a large studio.